A Work Experience week at Mint: Meet Yasmin


Meet Yasmin, Our Talented Year 11 Work Experience Student.

Yasmin has joined us this week and has already made a big impression with her enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. She loves the gym, is thinking about a career in luxury goods marketing in Paris, and loves to crunch on ice.

Read our Q&A to find out more about Yasmin’s journey and her experience at Mint!

What is your role and main responsibilities at Mint?

This week at Mint has flown by! On Monday, I helped the hospitality team by calling candidates and sending emails. Tuesday was dedicated to researching businesses that need chefs. Wednesday was all about payroll and Excel spreadsheets, while Thursday involved working on timesheets with the accounts team. Finally, Friday was a day focused on marketing and social media!

Can you describe a typical day during your work experience at Mint?

A typical day at Mint? hard work and tons of responsibility, keeping things exciting.

What tasks or projects have you worked on this week?

While working with payroll, I balanced payments from the previous tax year, helping to close off the year smoothly.

What is an achievement you’re proud of from your time at Mint?

In the back-of-house department, I researched areas needing chefs and found a lead for a business, which led to a team meeting.

What skills have you learned or improved during your work experience?

My work ethic has changed, and now I understand the ins and outs of payroll and its importance.

What do you enjoy most about your work experience at Mint?

The highlight of the day is Having the cutest dog, Nala, who spends her time trying to find someone to play with her – that’s the most important job of all!

What career do you hope to pursue in the future, and why?

I like the idea of a career in marketing, and I’m considering studying Business, Psychology, and English for my A-levels.

What is a dream project or role you would love to work on in the future?

My dream job? Showcasing my marketing skills to luxury brands in Paris!

What are your hobbies or interests outside of school u like to do in your free time?

Outside of school, I love the gym and hanging out with friends.

What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?

Fun fact: I have a weird obsession with crunching on ice.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I’d love to travel to Thailand to see the beautiful beaches, clear waters, and experience the nightlife.

What’s one goal you have for the coming year, either personal or related to your education?

One of my goals is to do well on my upcoming GCSE exams.

If you could instantly become an expert in any field or skill, what would it be?

If I could master one skill, it would be learning how to read people like a book.

Would you rather be able to speak any language or speak to animals?

Definitely Speak to animals.

What is your most used app on your phone?



At Mint, we believe that our strength lies in our people. Every member of our team brings unique skills, experiences, and personalities that contribute to our vibrant workplace culture and drive our success. To celebrate our amazing team, we launched our Team Spotlight Series!

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